
SG de Meergronden BG2T

Page history last edited by beschieru.mariana 7 years, 9 months ago


How to use this school page:


  • This is the page to introduce yourselves to the other groups/classes in your Learning Circle and post all your challenge contributions. 

  • We ask you to share not only the results, but also a report of the learning process: how you discussed, planned, divided tasks, enjoyed working on the challenges etc. 


Giving and receiving feedback:


  • On this school page (below) you'll find text boxes for the feedback from the other groups in your Circle.
    We ask you to give each school feedback, in each of the 4 phases of this Circle.

  • If you want to give a brief remark to a group, please use the comment box at the bottom of the school page.





Dear everyone,


We are BG2T De Meergronden from the Netherlands. Our school is placed in Almere; a city not quite far from Amsterdam. Our school offers six different levels of education and it depends on your personal level how many years you will be at De Meergronden. Bilingual education is offered for all levels and also BG2T is a bilingual class. 55% of our classes are given in English. BG2T is taught in a theoretical and practical way. We have theoretical subjects like mathematics, English and Dutch and practical subjects like techniques, theater and more. In our class, there are 12 students. On the poster you see a picture of our class in the middle. BG2T includes 5 girls and 7 boys. Unfortunately one student is not in the picture, due to illness. Two student teachers Jop & Lily are guiding us through the Children's Rights project. The picture of our class in surrounded by our personal answers on some relative questions. It shows what our knowledge is about Children's Rights. 


We are very enthusiastic about the project and we can't wait to meet the other schools in the Circle. 





Contributions Challenge 1:


Dear everyone,


This week we have been discussing on the topic "Having A Safe Home" - the students were very enthusiastic and above all contributing their thoughts in an active manner. We started working on mind maps & divided the class in 4 groups. The students are at the moment working on the given assignments. Their creations will be posted next Monday.


What are your thoughts on having a safe home? Let us know guys! We would also like to speak to some of you via Skype, if possible. Any schools who are available on the Wednesday and if so, between 11 and 12 'o clock (The Netherlands)


Kind regards,


BG2T, de Meergronden.



Assignment 1: Safe Home Research


Facts about a safe home for children’s right:

All children have the right to protection. They have the right to survive, to be safe, to belong, to be heard, to receive adequate care and to grow up in a protective environment.

A family is the first line of protection for children. Parents or other caregivers are responsible for building a protective and loving home environment.

  • about 150 million girls and 73 million boys under 18 experienced forced sexual intercourse and other forms of sexual violence and exploitation during 2002

  • 150 million children aged 5–14 are engaged in child labour

  • millions of children, mostly girls, work as domestic labourers (maids) in private homes

  • approximately 1.2 million children are trafficked annually (most recent annual estimate from 2000)

  • the births of around 51 million children born in 2007 were not registered

  • between 22 per cent and 84 per cent of children 2–14 years old experienced physical punishment in the home in 37 countries surveyed between 2005 and 2007.

  • 30,000 children die each day from contaminated water

  • 85% of all diseases in African children under 5 are caused by water-borne illnesses


Omar, Younes, Brandon


Safe home research.docx


Assignment 2: Making a cartoon



N'kita, Ricardo, Romy


Assignment 3: Children's Rights/Safe home poem/song



Aylien, Lotus




(Out of privacy reasons, the students only wanted their voices to be recorded)


Assignment 4: A rap about Children's Rights


Family, love your family

This rap is about family

Family, family

We go to the grocery with my family

Family, family

We go on holiday with my family,

Family, family

Family is first

We go on reverse jerragohard (rap-name student) on the burst

Family, always stays first

This is my our own made verse,

Blessed guys, never get cursed.


Jenairo, Jeremiah, Marc




(Out of privacy reasons, the students only wanted their voices to be recorded)



  We are having a Skype meeting with .............. group:
                                                        on .............. date 

                                                         at .............. pm/am



Contributions Challenge 2:


Assignment 1- Design Your Own School of Learning Environment:

Michelle, N'kita, Ricardo


Assignment 2 - Research - Check Your Belongings.

Lotus, Jeremiah, Jenayro. 

Child labor English


In many countries they have child labor. For example in Turkey, Syria, Sri Lanka etc.

Child labor refers to the employment of children, in any work that deprives children of their childhood.


Child labor has existed to varying extents, through most of history. During the 19th and early 20th century, many children aged 5 to 14 years old from poorer families still worked in Europe.

These children mainly worked in agriculture.


Some worked night shifts lasting 12 hours. In developing countries, with high poverty and poor schooling opportunities, child labor is still prevalent.



Assignment 3 - From the Life of Mohamed Sidibay.

Brandon, Omar, Yours

Children's Rights.mp4


Assignment 4 - No Education for Children in Refugee Camps?:

Marc, Aileen, Romy.


The position of Syrian children living in a Jordan refugee camp:


Many Syrian people escaped their  country because it’s too dangerous to live.

Many of these people live in a refugee camp in neighbor country Jordan.

The united nations arranged education for the children.

The problem is that there are very many children. One out of three refugees is a child aged between five and seventeen years old.

There are not enough teachers and schools to teach all the children. The Jordan government is doing their best to build more schools but many refugee children still can’t go to school.

My solution for this problem is sending teachers from country’s where they have to many teachers to the refugee camps to teach. This is good for the teachers because in their own country they don’t have work and for the refugee children. The teachers can be paid by the united nations.






Oinofyta refugee camp, Greece.


Oinofyta is a refugee camp in Athens, Greece. This camp has a camp dog named Jackie and about 650 people with 6 to 7 people in 1 tent. They have a big container (12 meter long/ 2,5 meter wide) with some stuff if people get ill, there are some doctors there as well. Also there is a small library, a simple kitchen and washing machines. There is a little school building in the camp. Kids learn mostly English but also mathematics and some other stuff they need to know. At this camp, they do everything themselves (which is easier because they can eat on the times they want).





We are having a Skype meeting with .............. group: 
                                                      on .............. date 

                                                       at .............. pm/am










Feedback from:  Gymnasium 2


Dear friends! Thanks for the story about school. And your photos. They cheerful. Very much it were pleasant to us.
You in a class haven't enough pupils. And it is very good. It is comfortable. And for assimilation of knowledge well. 


Nikita and Irina






Feedback from: High School "Mihai Eminescu''

Hello our dear friends!

We are very happy to see your activity in this project. You seem like cool guys and we are very curious about your further activity in this project. We would like to communicate more with you so we would like to say that we are open for a colaboration/communication here!

Looking forward to hearing from you soon, have a nice day, goodbye!




Feedback from: High School "Mihai Eminescu''

Hi there everybody! Thank you for your feedback on our work, we are very pleased to know that all the time and creativity we've put in the results are being appreciated by others. Thank you for the opportunity to have a skype conversation, can you please tell us the days you are free to entertain one with us. We are waiting for your answer on our page in the feedback box.



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Comments (2)

lilyturubassa said

at 9:24 pm on Mar 31, 2017

Thank you Mariana! :)

mariana.veletic@... said

at 3:50 pm on Mar 30, 2017

What a lovely introduction. I like that you included "happiness" on one of your maps of children's rights.

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