
Tweedsmuir Public School

Page history last edited by tv40318@... 7 years, 9 months ago


How to use this school page:


  • This is the page to introduce yourselves to the other groups/classes in your Learning Circle and post all your challenge contributions. 

  • We ask you to share not only the results, but also a report of the learning process: how you discussed, planned, divided tasks, enjoyed working on the challenges etc. 


Giving and receiving feedback:


  • On this school page (below) you'll find text boxes for the feedback from the other groups in your Circle.
    We ask you to give each school feedback, in each of the 4 phases of this Circle.

  • If you want to give a brief remark to a group, please use the comment box at the bottom of the school page.




Introduction to Tweedsmuir Public School and students.



What are human rights? (According to Tweedsmuir students)






Contributions Challenge 1:

Here is a video that was created based on the step #1 conversations.



Challenge 1: 


Assignment #3 - Make a Cartoon




  We are having a Skype meeting with .............. group:
                                                        on .............. date 

                                                         at .............. pm/am



Contributions Challenge 2:


Reflective Questions for Challenge #2




Challenge 2:








We are having a Skype meeting with .............. group: 
                                                      on .............. date 

                                                       at .............. pm/am









HFeedback from: Gymnasium #2

Hello! We are from Gymnasium 2.

How you spend computer science lessons? Please, tell about relation with your teachers?
All the best, Sasha B. and Valya B.



Feedback from: High School "Mihai Eminescu"

Hello everybody!

We are very happy to find a lot of interesting people across the world! We would like to establish a true connection between us, that's why we would like to know more about you, your school and your country! We would like to know more about your traditions and some interesting facts about you. And we, of course will be pleased to answer all your questions!




Feedback from:




Feedback from:




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Feedback from:








Comments (2)

Anita Townsend said

at 3:12 pm on Apr 12, 2017

Thank you for the unique way to share your reflections. Some very insightful thinking from the students. Good to have feedback from other classes also!

Anita Townsend said

at 12:54 am on Mar 6, 2017

Thank you Tweedsmuir for your upbeat video of your school. Looks like a great place to learn. Really enjoyed meeting all the students. Your expression of children's rights are very insightful.

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