

This version was saved 7 years, 11 months ago View current version     Page history
Saved by Manon van Herwijnen
on March 6, 2017 at 12:13:10 pm


Every Monday we will post a newsletter on the homepage.

An overview of previous newsletters:



NEWSLETTER Monday February 6 (week 1):


Dear participants, welcome to the Learning Circle Children's Rights!

A large circle of students, learning from and with each other; both in your own classroom and online with students from other schools.


We will start with an introduction of yourself, your class or group and children's rights; each group has ONE school page to post contributions for the introduction, the challenges and to receive feedback; find it by clicking on your school name at the bottom of the pages.

You can find the assignments for the introduction phase on this page. Check out the links in the sidebar for all pages.


There are many ways to learn more about children's rights; you can read about it and tell us what Children's Rights mean to you.

By telling your own stories and hear, see and read how the other participants in the Circle experience it, you will collect more than just knowledge. During our learning journey you will discover more about the way things are for children in many countries.


Good luck and have Circle-fun together!


NEWSLETTER Monday February 13 (week 2):


Today we are starting the second week of this Learning Circle: with an introduction of yourself, your class or group and children's rights.
Each group has ONE school page to post contributions for the introduction, the challenges and to receive feedback; find it by clicking on your school name at the bottom of the pages.

You can find the assignments for the introduction phase on this page. Check out the links in the sidebar for other useful pages: the ‘Resources’ page, the ‘Background information’, and the ‘Reflective questions’ (pdf) for the introduction etc.


Parents and others like to follow your stories and ideas in the Learning Circle.

You can invite them to take a look by sending them the link of this wiki.


We're looking forward to your introduction.

Good luck and have Circle-fun together!  


NEWSLETTER Monday February 20 (week 3):


Today we are starting the third week of this Learning Circle: with an introduction of yourself, your class or group and children's rights.
Each group has ONE school page to post contributions for the introduction, the challenges and to receive feedback; find it by clicking on your school name at the bottom of the pages.

You can find the assignments for the introduction phase on this page. Check out the links in the sidebar for other useful pages: the ‘Resources’ page, the ‘Background information’, and the ‘Reflective questions’ (pdf) for the introduction etc.


Parents and others like to follow your stories and ideas in the Learning Circle.

You can invite them to take a look by sending them the link of this wiki.


On Monday March 6 the first challenge will take off. The pages are all open, to be prepared in time. 


We're looking forward to your introduction.

Good luck and have Circle-fun together!  



NEWSLETTER Monday February 27 (week 4):

Good morning everyone,


This Monday we are starting the last week of the introduction phase.

We ask all participants to add a nice contribution on their schoolpage this week. 


You can find the assignments for the introduction phase on this page. Check out the links in the sidebar for other useful pages: the ‘Resources’ page, the ‘Background information’, and the ‘Reflective questions’ (pdf) for the introduction etc.


Parents and others like to follow your stories and ideas in the Learning Circle.

You can invite them to take a look by sending them the link of this wiki.


On Monday March 6 the first challenge will take off. The pages are all open, to be prepared in time. 


We're looking forward to your introduction.

Good luck and have Circle-fun together!




Request: Please resize all those nice pictures (to 50-100Kb) before you upload them in the wiki.

Five pictures uploaded directly from your camera will make the wiki page too heavy (10-20MB).

In countries with a dial-up connection it takes minutes before your page is visible.


Furthermore, downloading files (Word or PowerPoint) isn’t possible in many schools, for security reasons (virus etc.)

It’s best to post photo’s and stories IN the wiki page, so everyone can see them immediately.

Presentations like Prezi or Glogster can easily be embedded in the page, with the embed code.







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